From First Draft to Final Draft: Editing Tips
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From First Draft to Final Draft: Editing Tips

Writing a manuscript is an accomplishment to be proud of, but transforming your first draft into a polished final draft requires careful editing and revision. Here are some tips to guide you through these crucial stages. Take a Break After finishing your first draft, take a break. Partly because you deserve it, but also because…

Don’t Be Afraid of a Ghost(writer) Part 3: Why Use a Ghostwriter?

In Part One, we discovered that a ghostwriter can indeed make your work sound just like you wrote it yourself. Part Two answered the question, ‘who owns the finished product, the author or the ghostwriter?’ In Part Three, let’s talk about three simple reasons why you will use a ghostwriter. Lack of time: Not many…

How to Get People to Actually Read Your Blog
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How to Get People to Actually Read Your Blog

Every time you sit down to write a blog or e-newsletter, you feel like you’re walking into a torture chamber. You spend valuable time each week or month agonizing over the “right” words for your piece. So, is it working for you? Is your blog getting you a loyal following? Are you getting phone calls,…