You’re on a journey to write a book. Yay! You sit down at your computer, pull up a new document, and then…
Uh oh…now what???

Book coaching can help you! I can help you figure out where to start, how to keep going, why a scene isn’t working, and how you can get it to work.
Here’s How:
Get Me Unstuck
This is an individual call that you can use at any stage of the writing process. Here are some things we can do on a Get Me Unstuck call:
- Plot the novel
- Help you with a scene you’re having a problem finishing
- Figure out what a character needs to be believable, relatable, sympathetic, redeemable
- Jumpstart you out of overall writers’ block
- Be your cheerleader or give you a kick in the butt when your motivation is lacking
This call will last 60 minutes and will be billed in advance at $75 with a one-hour minimum. You are free to record the call, and I will provide detailed notes of our discussion within 48 hours.
Keep Me Moving
This is ongoing coaching that you can use throughout the entire writing process. Here’s what it includes:
- Scheduled meetings (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly)
- I read a set amount of words prior to each meeting, based on a schedule that we set together
- I give feedback on those words based on our meetings and your goals
This service is billed monthly based on the amount of words I read, the amount of meetings we have, and the level of feedback I give you.
Let’s set up a discovery call to help you figure out what you need and how I can help you tell your story!