Once you’ve finished writing your book, you know you need editing, but what kind? Here’s a list of the most frequently requested types of editing, and what each include:

  1. Developmental editing: I’ll look at your entire manuscript from start to finish. It takes in things like:
  • Structure and style
  • Characterization
  • Setting
  • Plot holes
  • Phrasing and sentence structure
  1. Line Editing: In this stage, I’ll look at things like:
  • Word choice
  • Sentence structure
  • Phrasing
  • Appropriate language for the time period of the setting
  • Inconsistencies like eye or hair color, addresses, etc.
  1. Copy editing: This can be described as fine tuning the text. It looks at things like:
  • Glaring typographical errors
  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  1. Proofreading: This is a final check of the manuscript for things like:
  • Formatting errors like repeated or dropped lines of type
  • Widow and orphan lines
  • Hyphen stacking
  • Formatting on the page
  • Anything else that can hamper with the reader’s enjoyment of your story

Want more information? Reach out today at editorsuetoth@gmail.com